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Enjoying, Protecting and Enhancing Footpaths around St Albans
Join Us

We offer the following membership options to anyone aged over 18 :
Annual - £3
5 years - £15
Life - £50
We are a charity so we can benefit from Gift Aid on membership subscriptions.
Please email our Membership Secretary with any queries at
How to join
You can download our application form here.
Please complete and return by post to the address shown along with your cheque, or complete a bank transfer to :
Payee: St Albans & District Footpaths
Sort Code : 30 97 25
Account Number : 0030 3321
using reference “Surname FPS"
Become a member today!
Our Data Protection Commitment
Our membership data is held in line with law and best practice. Only the Executive Committee, the Membership Secretary and Treasurer have access to the data.
Members may request a copy of their data by applying to the Membership Secretary.
Members may complain about the handling of their data by applying to the Membership Secretary.
The Society will respond within one month and take no more than one month more to determine what to do and inform the complainant.
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